It’s 2020. Going paperless is an option for just about everything we use – when it comes to banking, news, advertising, etc. Almost every day, corporations and organizations are finding ways to reduce the amount of paper used and improve their overall environmental impact. Not only that, but it can be financially beneficial in the long run. Saving time, money, and reducing waste.
This can open opportunities and parking solutions in areas where parking issues may arise, especially in urban areas. When visiting cities, or more dense locations, you will notice that some vehicles out and about may have small stickers displaying numeric codes placed somewhere on their vehicle or hanging from their rear-view mirror. Usually, these are used to apply parking rules in areas within multifamily complexes or commercial parking for a business center. It is a rather commonplace quick fix for parking issues. They can be used to identify certain vehicles, and/or whether they are permitted to occupy certain spaces, etc. The managers of these multifamily complexes or business centers typically charge a fee for these, and allow the consumer to park within the compound, whether it be in an allocated section of the parking network, or a specific spot on the lot.
Regardless, most people do not look forward to placing these often colorful, obtrusive, and wasteful stickers on their vehicle. Not only does it cause frustration and inconvenience for the user, but it can also create issues for the landlords or managers who enforce parking regulation in their complex. Managers and/or their employees may even carry out this type of parking management by inspecting each vehicle within the complex on a specific day of the week. But then you must figure out; what is the best way to distribute these stickers? Where should the sticker be placed? If on the rear, what if the vehicle is reversed in, and the sticker is unable to be seen? The property manager then must put in extra effort to enforce their parking regulations. It is also possible to run into the concern that a user may purchase multiple stickers for their own vehicle, acting as if they had lost the original. They then can give the sticker to anyone, allowing the parking system to be abused, and cause problems for those who follow the rules.
This is where License Plate Recognition can come into play. An LPR system can altogether negate the issues mentioned above. License plates cannot be exchanged around in a similar fashion as a hang tag, or sticker. In addition to reducing parking problems from abuse and inconvenience to both user and owner, it may also open the door to increasing revenue. When residents are happy, they are much more open to paying into a parking management system designed to help and benefit their quality of life in their HOA, apartment complex, or business center. Also, erasing loopholes and reducing abuse will ensure that those who improperly exploit the parking system no longer have the ability to do so.
Overall, the advantages to a license plate recognition system are many. Advancements in technology further allows this form of system to be implemented with ease, and at low cost. Learn more about our leading LPR technology here.